JC Watts / Guilford College Bryan Series Speech

I was fortunate to attend Guilford College’s Bryan Series tonight featuring former Congressman J.C. Watts. It was a great speech and mostly political. It was fun seeing liberals squirm as a black republican told the truth. I saw some really funny liberal bumper stickers in the parking lot as well. On to the reason I write:

J.C. Watts played football for Oklahoma and the Canadian Football League. The one sports question he was asked was about a National Championship Playoff Series for College Football. He danced around the question a bit and eventually answered – you really can’t have a system that makes everybody happy.

His reasoning is sound, college football loves its bowls. A playoff system destroys the bowl system.

2 thoughts on “JC Watts / Guilford College Bryan Series Speech

  1. His political side of the speech was “I’m very disappointed at both parties.” and you can’t make changes from inside the circle.

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