Tournament Town – The Block Party

“The Bravery” has been booked for the Tournament Town Block Party that will be held Saturday, March 29 in Downtown Greensboro. This is part of the Greensboro Coliseum’s NCAA Womens Regional Games on March 30 and April 1.

Last year, Chris Daughtry played before 25,000 fans (8,000 could see). But who cares???? It’s fun, everybody is there. The Bravery will be playing in Charlotte the next day if you want to PAY to see them.

Things start around 6PM, the show starts around 9PM.

2 thoughts on “Tournament Town – The Block Party

  1. The only way there were 25,000 downtown last year was if they counted everybody as often as they entered through the gates, no matter how many times they went back and forth, encluding the beer men and other concessions people. That, and a quick head count of any train that went by.

  2. I wasn’t there, I saw it on the news. Folks I knew who attended couldn’t even get up front because they imported “fans” for a music video they were shooting at the time.

    On your hocus-pocus count, who cares? It was FREE to Park, unlike the Coliseum. The Beer was CHEEP, until the Coliseum. The Food was HOT, FRESH and DIFFERENT, unlike the Coliseum. The numbers did not convert into fans at the basketball game (OR MAY BE THEY DID – your numbers….)

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