The Final Word from Alan Ashkinazy:This is It!!!!!

I thought long and hard about it last night and it’s time for all this to end and let everyone move on, especially the boys.

My time at Grimsley was GREAT and I’ll miss it deeply but like John Delbert said, it really is no big deal. Everyone will be fine and the boys are good enough not just to move on but to continue to win. When the new coach comes in, he needs everyones total support to keep Grimsley’s winning tradition. I’ll be rooting for you guys. I hope what I’ve taught you about baseball doesn’t go away because I go away. If that’s the case maybe I’m really not a good coach. It was great to see the overwhelming support you have all given me. The attention was great (Delbert…we are all egomaniacs) but what is most important is the kids and to let them be.

Thank You Anna Brady for bringing me in and talking to me face to face. That meant a lot to me and I hope your new job at Grimsley is long and prosperous.For all the kids that are thinking of not playing because of this, THINK AGAIN!! You only have one High School Career and I promise you, if you don’t play, you will regret it when you’re older. You will not hear from me again and that might make everone happy!To all the players I have coached over the last four years… ONE, TWO, THREE…WHIRLIES!

*****What might have been good closure has turned sour…..We shall try and end on a positive note. No more articles, no more comments, TIME TO MOVE ON….

In what could be something that might be considered entertaining to some, keep this in mind. We still have to look out for the kids. CASE CLOSED*****Andy Durham

2 thoughts on “The Final Word from Alan Ashkinazy:This is It!!!!!

  1. Thanks for your comments and to be fair we will try and treat this like the classroom and delete them all as they come

    Hey maybe it doesn’t show but we are trying to be fair.(Better late than never.)

    When something gets messed up we all are in it for the long haul.

    With all the comments and all the viewings, we are all on the same TEAM and we will attempt to treat them all the same, GONE.

  2. And as so many of our readers and others are saying and I apologize that I did not add this in earlier:


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