Proehlific wins one loses one at Battle of Omaha

Proehlific Power 8
Watertown, SD 2
WP:Brent Moore with 5-hitter…
Craig Erskine three-runer and Heath Causey two-run homer…

Baton Rouge 4
Proehlific Power 3
Robbie McIntosh went five innings for PP and he had 2 BB’s and 6 K’s…
McIntosh left the game with injury…Heath Causey 1-2 with triple and Scott Wells 1-3 with double…..

2 thoughts on “Proehlific wins one loses one at Battle of Omaha

  1. Andy,

    How about asking Justin to give you some updates on the younger Proehlific team. From what I’ve heard, they’re doing very well and certainly deserve some recognition. Thanks.

  2. Only news that I had on the younger team was that they lost in the quaterfinals, but if both teams would have won out, then the older PP could have met the younger PP in the finals….

    4th of July Tournament coming up and should see both teams together again in that tournament…..I think last the year the PP senior team ended up meeting R&B Aggies for the title….Aggies have a lot of Aggie Pride and they will come at you hard….

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