Bird on a wire

Was doing my morning running this morning, as I have been for the past several years and I noticed a familiar sight, that has caught my eyes on numerous occasions and it has me wondering again….

Wonder, wonder, who wrote the book of birds???

I am running down the road and I’m sure this topic has been covered before, but I look up on the power line and see a group of birds, just hanging out on that wire…..

Do they not feel the power running through their bodies? If we grabbed a power wire we would get zapped……A bird on a wire feels nothing and they just sit there for a while and then fly away….When does the bird feel the electricity go shooting through their body?

The birds just sit on that wire for a while and then they take flight….Is it something in their feet that protects them from the voltage?

I have seen a few birds over the years that look like they got the shock of their life out by the power pole…….They were laying on the ground and they showed no signs of life, but they appeared to have been electrocuted….

What is about a Bird on a wire? What is it about a Bird on a power wire/line???

Who do we call, an ornithologist? Isn’t that the study of birds, ornithology???

Anybody got the number for Dr. Harry Canary?

5 thoughts on “Bird on a wire

  1. Hey Andy, sounds like you got some studying to do on birds……Ever wished you were one so you could sit on a power line and watch people like yourself run in the mornings?

  2. Andy,

    This story got my whistle wet when I read it. Ornothology was my favorite subject or hobby growing up. It is interesting how they can just sit there without getting shocked. We need to do some more research on this matter.

  3. I guess it is like we have heard in the days gone by….This story/article/blog entry is for the birds…..Bird is the word, at least this time around and some of the birds have been talking and they are saying, the only good bird is jail bird, that just made a jail break from the front line at Duke Energy….

    You have to Fly Like an Eagle if you can and that will be the word/bird for the day…The Eagle….

    We need to start having a Bird for the Day instead of the word of the day….

    Today we soar like Eagles…..

  4. andy i dont know about these birds but i think it might rain tomorrow love emily bird ps you are a bird brain

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