UNC’s Greg Little has BIG message as he heads toward NFL combines: “I made a terrible mistake”…

The former Durham Hillside HS star and North Carolina Tar Heel, Greg Little, has stepped up to the clear the air this week, just prior to key combines that the NFL will be tracking next week and Little has a lot to say and you can read it all and find out what Little did and still hopes to do with his career when you CLICK HERE….

The message is clear, when you Click above…..

One thought on “UNC’s Greg Little has BIG message as he heads toward NFL combines: “I made a terrible mistake”…

  1. No effing crap Greg.
    You and your crew have created the largest collegiate athletics scandal in this state in 50 years. To your credit you admitted your mistake. Now I challenge you to really do the right thing and tell us all what UNC is stonewalling and hiding from the media and all of us.

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