2014 NCCA All-Star Coaches Announced:Joyner/Reavis(NWG), Newton(SEG), Hultberg(NG) and Stadler(RC)

2014 All-Star Coaches

North Carolina-South Carolina Basketball:

Head Coach:Darlene Joyner (Northwest Guilford)
Assistant Coach:Tracie Taylor (71st)

Head Coach:Mike Absher (Davie)
Assistant Coach:Steve Robinson (Wallace-Rose Hill)

East-West Basketball:

East Men
Head:Michael Baker (Fairmont)
Assistant:Scott McInnes (Millbrook)

West Men
Head:Aubrey Holifield (Shelby)
Assistant:Lee Reavis (Northwest Guilford)

East Women
Head:Michelle Wood (East Chapel Hill)
Assistant:Toni Vick (East Wake)

West Women
Head:Scott Waugh(Wilkes Central)
Assistant:Shawyn Newton (Southeast Guilford)

East-West Soccer:

East Men
Head:Matt Edwards (Millbrook)

West Men
Head:Andrew Hultberg (Northern Guilford)

East Women
Head:Glenn Griffin (Beddingfield)

West Women
Head:Scott Bilton (West Forsyth)


East Team
Head: Brian Foster (Southern Nash)
Asst: Richard Bailey (Scotland County)
Asst: Robert Britt (Rosewood)
Asst: Kim Cain (West Bladen)
Asst: Steve Mallard (Hobbton)
Asst: Wes Mattera (Holmes)

West Team
Head: ScottYoung (West Rowan)
Asst: Brett Chappell (Pisgah)
Asst: Mark Holcomb (North Davidson)
Asst: Jeremy Funderburk (Wilkes Central)
Asst: Keith Phillips (Ashe County)
Asst: Lin Stadler (Rockingham County)

One thought on “2014 NCCA All-Star Coaches Announced:Joyner/Reavis(NWG), Newton(SEG), Hultberg(NG) and Stadler(RC)

  1. Whenever I see coaches from big schools get honored like this I always wonder if the coaches getting the benefit of having more kids to select from than smaller schools?

    Don’t get me wrong, a mediocre coach even with the top talent will only get so far. You have to know what you’re doing. The coaches listed have had great success.

    But it’s the old football adage: Is it the QB making the receivers better or are the receivers making the QB better?

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