The North Carolina Gaters Fall Fundamental Basketball Camp will begin on Monday September 11 and run through October 25th. This high-level camp with major emphasis on Fundamentals will be held at in the Gaters practice facility on HORSEPEN CREEK ROAD behind the Alex Spears YMCA. The camp will stress everything fundamentally sound that deals with basketball. Proper dribbling, passing, shooting, moving without the ball, setting screens, boxing out, attacking the offensive and defensive boards, free throw shooting, and correct game/clock management will addressed. This will be the most complete Basketball Camp in our area this year.
The schedule will follow the weekly pattern of:
Mondays-Grades 2-4…… Tuesdays-Grades 5-6……. Wednesdays-Grades 7-10.
The cost of the North Carolina Gaters AAU Fundamentals Camp is $85.00 per camper….Call 856-0004 for more details…Dates Sept. 11-Oct. 25 at the Gaters Practice Facility 3216-A Horsepen Creek Road off of Battleground Avenue North or Highway 220 North……Call 856-0004 and ask for Vickie for more information……