The Greensboro Grasshoppers were issued 13 walks from the Hickory Crawdad pitching staff on Thursday night en-route to a 9-2 victory at First Horizon Park.(Aerosmith was not in the house on Thirsty Thursday) The Hoppers starting pitcher Graham Taylor got the win, he’s 4-1 and Taylor has only walked one man all year long to go with his 26 strikeouts and for GT last night at FHP:No Walks.
Scott Cousins made a great defensive play in right field, catching a liner and then throwing a perfect strike to catcher Chris Hatcher at the plate who put up the blockade and tagged the runner out for the second part of the double play to end the inning.
Cousins also hit a two-run homer his first of the year and Greg Burns drove in two runs with bases loaded walks. The Hoppers face the Dads again on Friday night at FHP and to find out more about Thursday’s game go to for Bill Hass on Baseball or check out Robert Bell’s asessment at AM 950 radio pre-game Friday at 6:30pm. Â