Ric Flair and Big Show in Big Hole

this just in from www.pwtorch.com(NotJimMelvin was reporting this in the “Ric Flair Quits WWE” comment box earlier today. NJM was one of the first on the scene)

An article in the Palm Beach Post today includes allegations that Ric Flair and Big Show were customers of a Tampa-based online pharmacy. A former employee said she sent packages to both, but investigators did not specify what was sent to them. This dates back several years to 2003, before the Wellness Policy banned online drug purchases. While the pharmacy was under investigation, there is no evidence that Flair and Paul Wight(Big Show) did anything illegal or against policy, just that they were two wrestlers named as customers of the online pharmacy.

*****to find out more on this and other stories from the world of Sports Entertainment go to www.pwtorch.com*****