The Greensboro Hockey Booster Club will be holding a community yard sale on Saturday, October 20th, 9A to 2P, at the Greensboro Campground Pavilion. The address is 1896 Trox Street off Sharpe Road. At 5 PM there will be a band at a Halloween themed party.
The Booster Club will be selling items that have been previously used by former Greensboro Generals in their apartments. The Booster Club has provided appliances, linens, dishes, cook ware, etc. All things that players need when living away from home. The cost of keeping these items in storage was greater than replacing them if and when hockey returns to Greensboro.
In addition to Booster Club items, individuals can set up their own table to sell items, there is a $10 table charge.
For additional information, contact Pat Anderson at 662-0411 ext:7916(w) or 255-7107(c)