Guilford County coaches from Guilford County schools

Was doing a little breakdown this weekend of Guilford County coaches that came from Guilford County schools. Here’s some of what I compiled:

Northwest Guilford:Darlene Joyner-girl’s basketball coach, NWG graduate
Sonny Gann-Baseball coach, NWG graduate
Mike Everett-former boy’s basketball coach, Western Guilford graduate

Southwest Guilford:Reid Holmes-Baseball coach, Western Guilford graduate

Grimsley:Phil Weaver-girl’s basketball coach, Grimsley graduate
Darren Corbett-boy’s basketball coach, Southern Guilford graduate

Page:Robert Kent-boy’s basketball coach, Western Guilford graduate
Rusty Lee-Athletic Director, Northeast Guilford graduate

Smith:Derrick Johnson-Baseball coach, Smith graduate

Dudley:Everett James, Brian Seagraves, Derrick Partee, Kenny Ferguson-all boy’s basketball assistant coaches, Dudley graduates

Southern Guilford:Daryl Brown-Football coach, Southern Guilford graduate

Northern Guilford:Johnny Smith-Baseball coach, Page graduate
Kim Furlough-girl’s basketball coach, Southeast Guilford graduate

Western Guilford:Chris Causey-Football and Baseball coach, Western Guilford graduate

Eastern Guilford:Scott Loosemore-Football coach, Southeast Guilford graduate

Northeast Guilford:Bob Via, Richard Sisk, Wesley Needham-all assistant football coaches, Via/Page, Sisk/Northeast, Needham/Western graduates…..

Southeast Guilford😕
High Point Central😕
High Point Andrews😕
*****That’s all 15 Guilford County Schools and if ? showed up, it means we couldn’t find any Guilford County grads coaching there and if you have some, send them our way.*****
+++++Danny Williamson-Assistant football coach Ragsdale, Ragsdale graduate/add on to our list.+++++

Are there others?

10 thoughts on “Guilford County coaches from Guilford County schools

  1. Corbett is a great coach. Teaches the game of basketball as well as preparing them to be stand up young men.

  2. Paul Stutts is the softball coach at Grimsley but he does not work(teach) at the school. He works as a Certified Public Accountant.(CPA) His daughter is a senior for the Whirlies and one of the top pitchers in the state.
    Paul Stutts is a Page graduate.

  3. Also @ Page HS:
    Debbie Jones, PE Teacher, Head Women’s Basketball Coach, Graduate of Southwest Guilford HS
    Zack Osborne, Former English Teacher, Head Cross Country and Women’s Head Soccer Coach, Graduate of Grimsley HS
    Todd Reagan, PE Teacher, Head Wrestling Coach, Greaduate of Southern Guilford HS
    Leigh (Tysinger) Abraham, Science Teacher, Head Swim Coach, Graduate of Page HS

  4. Sorry, I forgot about assistant Coaches:
    Stephen Herring, Math Teacher, Asst. Football Coach, Graduate of Page HS
    Officer Edwards, SRO @ Page, Asst Football, Graduate Grimsley HS

  5. Others:
    John Primm, AD @ Northeast, Graduate Page HS
    Mike Cook, AD @ HP Central, Graduate HPC
    Ben Robinson, (New) AD @ HP Andrews, Graduate of Northeast? or Smith?
    Randall Hackett, AD @ Eastern, Graduate of Eastern Guilford HS

  6. Not public, but at Greensboro Day:

    Buddy Walker, baseball coach, Graduate of NE Guilford

    Bill Welch, Track and Cross Country coach, Western Guilford

  7. You left out all the track and cross country coaches. Is this just about sports that have a BALL in it?
    Northeast– David Blue -Page 1973
    Southeast– Mick Gallant Smith 1974
    Western Guilford–Mark Putnam Smith 1972
    Southwest Guilford- Charlie Brown Grimsley 1978

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