Grimsley at Dudley was canceled because of the rain and storms blowing through this afternoon and the Whirlies may have to wait and face Dudley in the Easter Tournament Title game next Tuesday at Grimsley.
We would expect all of the other games to be either canceled or postponed which included Page at NEG, Eastern Guilford at Chatham Central and West Forsyth at NWG.
SEG called off practice today after about 30 minutes and SEG has unbeaten Western Guilford coming up on Friday in round one of the Graham Easter Tournament. I was looking over some stats from last year this afternoon and noticed that SEG was 23-5 going into the State 3-A finals last season with Austin Moyer(9-1) and Cam Cockman(5-0). Cockman and Moyer combined for 14 of the team’s 23 victories and so for this season the Falcons only have one defeat on their record and that one belongs to Eric Seders from last Saturday’s 4-0 loss to Glenn that only went 5 innings because of rain.