from the N&R web site, front page/home page area and this is good news worth spreading to the people:
Four Ragsdale High School seniors are set to sign with colleges on Thursday. These four male athletes are going to the following schools…
Ben Kennedy and Ryan Kiser to Belmont Abbey for Lacrosse….(Al McGuire used to coach hoops at Belmont Abbey before the Marquette days.)
Patrick Graham will attend the Merchant Marines Academy and he will wrestle there…
And we save the best for last because one of our readers and regular contributors to the site’s comment box and our fan’s forum, Diamond Dan Grondy has a son Jake and Jake Grondy is headed to Mars Hill College up in Banner Elk on a Cross Country and Track deal. In track Jake runs the 1600 and 3200 meter races if memory serves me correctly and Dan Grondy out of Smith HS locally attended Pembroke State and he was a basketball player and maybe did some soccer back in his day before signing with Johnny Hunter and teamming with Mike Kidd on the professional wrestling circuit.
Congrats to Jake Grondy and to all the kids at Ragsdale….Good Job Tigers!
The college signings will take place at 2:30 on Thursday at Ragsdale in the media center.