Proehlific Power power rained out for tonight…

No game tonight for the Proehlific Power. The contest scheduled for 7pm at Northern Guilford versus Person County has been postponed due to wet grounds caused by the recent rain from Tuesday night and Wednesday, off and on all day long.

The Power will be in action again on Thursday evening facing Ronnie Pugh’s Asheboro Legion team at McCrary Field in Asheboro. The Power stands at (3-3) after last weekend’s action at Lenior Rhyne College in Hickory.

The Power have a new pitcher, Donald Howerton(LHP), who is listed at 6’8, out of N.C. A&T.

3 thoughts on “Proehlific Power power rained out for tonight…”

  1. The Power did lose to Asheboro 9-8. I t was a hitters game. I did not go but heard that the team that had last bat won. The Power won 4 games over the weekend. They beat the Southeastern Anglers both ends of a doubleheaer on Saturday and beat Charlotte Hurricanes a doubleheader yesterday. The games yesterday were played at Guilford College. Zack Kornblum and Timmy Dezearn picked up the wins Saturday while Michael Dimock and J.B. Brewer got the wins yesterday. Michael Dimock struck out 19 in the first game yesterday. The Power blasted 7 home runs this weekend. Lyle Donaldson and Aron Jones hit 2 apiece while Matt Nettesheim, J.B. Brewer and Michael Wall hit a round tripper. The Power play at Roxboro tonite, at Glenn on Wednesday against the Kernersville Bulldogs and Ashebor on Thursday at New Bridge Park. I hear that Chris Paul may be at the game. Not sure but heard that rumor.

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