The Power lost to Asheboro 9-8 last Thursday. It was a hitters game. I did not go but heard that the team that had the last bat won.
The Power won 4 games over the weekend. They beat the Southeastern Anglers both ends of a doubleheaer on Saturday and beat Charlotte Hurricanes a doubleheader yesterday. The games yesterday were played at Guilford College. Zack Kornblum and Timmy Dezearn picked up the wins Saturday while Michael Dimock and J.B. Brewer got the wins yesterday. Michael Dimock struck out 19 in the first game yesterday.
The Power blasted 7 home runs this weekend. Lyle Donaldson and Aron Jones hit 2 apiece while Matt Nettesheim, J.B. Brewer and Michael Wall hit a round tripper. The Power play at Roxboro tonite, at Glenn on Wednesday against the Kernersville Bulldogs and Asheboro on Thursday at New Bridge Park. I hear that Chris Paul may be at the game. Not sure but heard that rumor.
***** Above info from a fan of the Power and as far as Thursday goes I heard from a lady this morning that Ronnie Pugh’s Asheboro Legion team has Austin Moyer and Cameron Cockman from Southeast Guilford and also Jake Ozment out of Southern Guilford on their roster. Should make for a good game of local interest.*****
This word just in from Justin Smith on the big game coming up on Thursday night downtown at the New Bridge Bank Park.(home of the Hoppers):
It is time again for one of the biggest games of the season. I am asking for all of you to come out Thursday June 5th to see the Proehlific Power play the Randolph County Post 45 team. This is a huge fundraiser for our baseball program and we want to make this a huge night for local baseball in Greensboro.
Can anyone update us on the actual Greensboro Palomino League? I would like to go out and watch, but since PP Baseball has come along, I’ve heard nothing about this league. How is PP Baseball considered a Palomino Team if they are not playing any teams in the league and if PP Baseball is going to represent Greensboro Palomino in the next level of tournament, what are the teams in the league playing for………now I see Moyer and Cockman are playing legion, what happen to the Shockers Team? Did the Patriots go away? How are they doing this year? Please let us know.
The Patriots are still around and in the Palomino league and being coached by Scott Brown with players from NWG, SWG, and EF etc. Eric Presnell, Blaine McCraw, and other younger players from previous years are still around. From what I hear the Shockers are being coached by Craig Bigham and Euri Johnston Sr. and they still have Grimsley and SEG players but Lester Rivenbark Sr. has retired from coaching.
We’ll try to keep the Palomino League updated as we receive more info. If anyone has Palomino info please send it our way.
Greensboro Palomino Baseball is as strong as ever. There are 10 teams in the league. Rowan County has 2 teams in the league and Rockingham County has 2 teams in the league. The Patriots won 2 games this weekend. They have a really good team and have reloaded for the summer. This will be a very competetive season in the league with the new teams. The winner of this league will go to Jackson, Miss to represent Greensboro in the NABF World Series. They will also be selecting a team to play in Babe Ruth tournamernt play. I think the above is right. If anyone knows any different let us know.
Andy–Palomino league is alive and well in Greensboro. 10 team league from the area under Tom Veal and staff who have stepped up after the loss of Bob Doss. The league has games all this week at Stoner White (2 per night) and then will be off next week for graduation week. Many thanks for all you do for area sports and lets get out and watch some great baseball this summer.
If the Palomino league is now sanctioned by NABF (National Amateur Baseball Federation) why are aluminum bats being used in the league? I thought that NABF allowed only wooden bats in their tournaments so why would league teams not do the same?
Is PP actually sanctioned through PONY baseball? If so, is the sanctioning done through Greensboro?
PP is sanctioned through Pony baseball paid for by PP. PP is under the rules of Palomino Baseball and PP is paying all the expenses. They are going under Greensboro Palomino Baseball but paying all the fees, and travel for the summer, which is a whole lot of money. Later in the year they will be playing a lot of collegiate teams in order to prepare for tournament play. Many citizens have bought into this program and ahve come to the plate to help. They signed a Wilson contract which is worth a lot in terms of equipment. Travel vans were donated and they are having a fundraiser Thursday night when they play at New Bridge Park.
You think you can get Palomino to postpone their games this Thurdsay so we can come out to see PP play?
So, how did PP just all of a sudden become the only team eligibile for Pony Tournament play without playing a Palomino Team? From the schedule posted here, I didn’t see a Palomino Team on there. And the actual teams that play “PALOMINO BASEBALL” are going to Babe Ruth and NABF?
Not sure about the other Palomino teams and where they will be going but I was told last year that Proehlific Power would have to go through the Palomino East Zone Tournament and then the Regional to qualify for the Palomino World Series and I would think that the rest of the local Palomino league teams would have that same chance for the local Zone in addition to the other tournaments that they are playing in.
Mr. Tom Veal would know for sure what the lowdown is…….
Why didn’t Blaine move over with the PP?
Maybe McCraw is younger and wanted one more year of the Palomino league before he moved up to the Palomino Showcase squad.
Just speculating…..
Blaine is not younger. He will be attending A@T on a baseball scholarship. He was dominant in showcase ball this fall so he is beyond capable. However at this stage, players have different priorities. Blaine is involved in a workout program to help him continue getting stronger and developing skills that will benefit him next year at the college level. Chad Hockaday (former SW player) who is playing for The Patriots is also doing the same thing. Brett Underwood and Payne Craven (SW guys) who are playing for The Patriots and will be playing at Catawba next year are also on conditioning programs that will help them when entering The Catawba program this fall.
I think these young men made the decision that in order to prepare for next season, they needed to do workouts and have some live games too. The Patriots, because of limited hours in a day, fit that better. Because of the PP schedule, workouts would have to be kept at a minimum.
Thanks for the update on the SWG kids and it sounds like the Guilford Patriots should still have a very good team.
PP has speed, cnditioning and agility workouts at Proehlific Park under a trained professional. They also have access to cages and fields. Just go by there anytime during the day and you will see at least a player or two working out either in the weight room or in the cages. It is a very structured program for that team. The coaches of that team sacrifice a lot of theri own time to help these kids. I was told last weekend there were 8 professional scouts at their game on Saturday looking at players from both teams.. The Patriots have a lot of talent and I look for them to win that league. As far as Palomino goes, I think the Patriots are the only Palomino team that is registerrd with Pony ball in the state. I does cost to be a registerd team and be able to pay in tournaments. PP is paying all theri expenses from what I hear.
Joe… I hope you didn’t take my comments in a negative manner about PP because that was not my intention at all. I highly respect that program and realize what is available, but was just pointing out that some had made other choices that were the best ones for them. With the amount of games and travel that PP are doing, some felt that they couldn’t get their workouts for fall in, possibly work a job to make some spending money for college, and do some things like trips, hanging out with ‘friends’ on occasion, etc. Most of the guys I mentioned realize that this will be their last summer to have any amount of ‘down time’ for 4 years as their college coaches will be placing them on collegiate summer teams for the next 4 years. It’s great that our area provides so many quality opportunities for athletes to play whether Palomino, American Legion, Showcase, etc. As in most things in life, one size doesn’t fit all.
PP is paying all their expenses?
If you are talking about the PP players, that wasn’t the case starting out. I don’t know if it changed or not, but initially there was a fee to be a part of the team.
If you are talking about paying for the Patriots expenses, that is not the case…the team members divided the fee.
Again, our area is blessed to have so many quality areas to play and train. Whether it be Proehlific, NCBA, GBC, or individual trainers, there are plenty of quality options for everyone.
i have a question for all of you! I just heard on the WOLF abotu a game tom night at New Bridge Bank and how it is a big deal! THey said it was a amateurs game and i wondered if this was teh PP team that everyone is talking about. Is there a game tom night and is it that big of a deal for thursday night. If so lets have a contest how many people will this game draw?
winner has bragging rights. I bet 10 people that is my guest
I’m still hoping that JWS or Mr. Tom Veal can answer the below question. If the Guilford Patriots are playing in a Palomino League and they win that league…..and PP is not playing any Palomino Teams nor playing in the Greensboro Palomino League, why is PP going to represent Greensboro Palomino and not the Patriots. If I remember correctly, the winner of this league has been representing our area in Pony tournaments for years and now all of a sudden they are going to a NABF or Babe Ruth Tournament at the end of the year if they win…….now, I know that teams has played in outside tournaments in the past, but I don’t ever remember a team out of the Greensboro Palomino League not playing in a Pony Tournament……Palomino has always been a league within Pony right?……….something fishing going on now that Mr. Doss has passed.
Andy, I guess I’m the only one reading your site these days………I can’t get anyone to give me a straight answer.
It would appear that the league that the Patriots, Shockers, Spirits, etc. play in is “Palomino” in name only. It seems that the league officials have chosen to be sanctioned by NABF or Babe Ruth, not PONY Baseball. That’s why the “Palomino” league teams do not have any 19 year olds this year which is allowed by PONY/Palomino rules. That’s also why the league winner will not move on to national Palomino tournament play but will instead move on to play in the NABF or Babe Ruth national tourney.
This information came to me from one of the league coaches. Apparently it was all explained at the pre-season coaches meeting.
As for PP, they have paid their PONY Baseball fees and will be allowed to play in the national Palomino tournament (maybe as an “at large team?).
Good, bad, right or wrong that’s the way it is.