Below is a TENTATIVE practice schedule for the East-West All-Star teams.
7/17 1:00 Players arrive at Grimsley
7/18 2:30 Pictures at Grimsley
West Team — practices at Western Guilford High
Thurs. 7/17 4:00-6:00
Fri. 7/18 9:00-11:00; 4:00-6:00
Sat. 7/19 7:30-9:00; 10:30-12:30
Sun. 7/20 2:00-4:00
Mon. 7/21 7:30-9:00; 10:30-12:30
Tues. 7/22 9:00-11:00; 3:00-5:00
Wed. 7/30 9:00 Lite
East Team – practices at Grimsley High
Thurs. 7/17 4:30-6:30
Fr. 7/18 8:30-10:30; 11:00-1:00
Sat. 7/19 8:30-10:30; 11:00-1:00
Sun. 7/20 3:00-5:00
Mon. 7/21 8:30-10:30; 11:00-1:00
Tues. 7/22 8:30-10:30; 11:00-1:00
Wed. 7/23 9:00 Walkthru
Report July 19
11 am check-in at Grimsley — Pictures at UNCG
UNCG #2 Gym I UNCG#2 Gym II UNCG Flemming II UNCG Flemming III
3-5 Practice:
WW (UNCG#2-I), WM (UNCG#2-II), EM (UNCG Flemming I), EW (UNCG Flemmng III)
8-10Practice: EW (UNCG#2-I), EM (UNCG#2-II), WM (UNCG Flemming I), WW (UNCG Flemming IIII)
July 20
10-12 Practice: WW (UNCG#2-I), EM (UNCG#2-II), EW (UNCG Flemming I), WM (UNCG Flemming III
2-3:30 Practice: EW (UNCG#2-I), WW (UNCG#2-II)
3:30-5 Practice: WM (UNCG#2-I), EM (UNCG#2-II)
July 21
8:30-10-00 WW Practice — Coliseum
10:00-11:30 EW Practice — Coliseum
11:30-1:00 WM Practice — Coliseum
1:00-2:30 EM Practice — Coliseum
Report July 20
12 noon Grimsley gym
12:30 Pictures at UNCG
3-5 pm Men’s and women’s teams practice at UNCG
July 21
11:30-1:30 Practice at UNCG
4:30-6:30 Practice at UNCG
July 22
11:30 -12:30 Practice –Women
12:30-1:30 Practice — Men
*****from Jim Modlin, courtesy of David Willoughby NCCA*****