Ric Flair said he was forced to leave a $300,000 payday on the table when WWE prohibited him from appearing on a 30-city autograph signing tour of the old NWA promotions. “I just can’t leave money on the table anymore,” Flair told Charleston.net. He also stated that there are no hard feelings. “I’m 59 years old and I’ve never stood on my own two feet without wrestling,” he said. “I need to find out if I can. Vince (McMahon) can’t prop me up forever.”
Flair also praised WWE. “I want everybody in the world to know that I love and respect the WWE,” he continued. “They’ve helped me through so much of my life and have made me a better person. They recognized me and my family at Wrestlemania, and have propped me up and helped me as long as they can.” To read the full story, visit Charleston.net.
*****from prowrestling.net*****