Jack Murphy has to responded to the blog article that we posted a while back(June 6, 2008) on the retirement of Dusty Dunn from the local radio airwaves, closing out his show at 1070 WGOS out of High Point. Mr. Murphy has also experienced a level of success on local radio in Greensboro over the past several years and here is what he said about Dusty Dunn at the news-record blog followed by his response to GREENSBOROSports.com:
Was Jack Murphy being a JACKASS when he made his comments about the retirement of Dusty Dunn from the local radio airwaves or is Jack a JACKASS every day?????
Here’s JA Murphy’s comment on Dusty Dunn from the N&R blog…..Jack Murphy said:
Will not miss him(Dusty Dunn) at all…..
Jack Murphy weighs in on the subject with his response to GREENSBOROSports.com:
today/8/20/08 I was made aware of this site and blog. I had to laugh at first then just got angry. First of all I never said, I won’t miss him at all. Period end of discussion! FYI, just one other small point in search of the truth , my teeny boop show show is rated #1 18-34 and 25-54 6-10am and has been for mush of the past 17 years. I wish Dusty well in what ever he does in the future and will say a prayer for his Father. Who the hell is Randy Acuff?
Jack Murphy did say on the news-record blog, “We will not miss him(Dusty Dunn) at all”. PERIOD
To break down the Murphy comment, what he was probably saying in jest was; Glad Dusty Dunn is gone and maybe we will pick up some of his audience(listeners), but I do believe the Dusty Dunn audience would be more likely to go over to the Brad and Britt Show on 101.1 WZTK the FM talker with more politics and current event/newsmaker-style topical discussions.
*****We respect Mr. Murphy’s comments and his opinion and are glad he decided to share them with us here at GREENSBOROSports.com and the name we are looking for in regards to Mr. Murphy in the real world is Andy Acuff not Randy Acuff as one earlier comment had stated, our apologies.*****
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Who is Jack Murphy?