The LIVE webcast from Shane’s Rib Shack begins tomorrow and then will move to Thursdays next week(September 4).
We will be talking High School, College and Professional football from Shane’s on Westover Terrace and you can feel welcome to stop by the Rib Shack or you can check out the LIVE streaming of the show when you click on the Broadcast Link at and that takes you to the FREE Ustream TV broadcast of the event.
The show will also be taped so you can go back and watch it later. Again we will have coaches, guests from the local paper, and also players from the area teams.
We are looking at Tom Keller from the News and Record, coach Mark Saunders from Grimsley, hopefully a rep from Page HS, Doug Cockman on College football and Jim Modlin with his look at the Pros.
This Wednesday(tomorrow) from 6-7pm at Shane’s Rib Shack on Westover Terrace…..Coaches contact me if you want to get your team with players or coaches on the show. Shane’s will offer a FREE meal for the coaches and the players….Contact me at