Mr. Carr drives home the contest and Beats the Jock

Cecil Carr was the Week #1 winner in our Beat the Jock/CiCi’s Pizza NFL Picks Contest and he will receive the Two Free Pizza Buffets from CiCi’s Pizza with Drinks and he will also be at the Podium facing off with Big Jim Modlin each week for Picks Supremacy.

Here are the totals on week #1 after Green Bay and Denver won the Monday Night Games:
Cecil Carr-(10-4)*****Mr. Carr will be at the Buffet Bar, ASAP CiCi’s.*****
April Brown-(9-5)

Big Jim Modlin goes (8-6) for Week #1 and says he challenges anyone to stop him now that he is warming up and also says he will win and defend his Season Title in 2008.

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