Dick Bourne and David Chappell are the founders of the Mid-Atlantic Gateway and if you need more wrestling information than what you are finding at GREENSBOROSports.com, then this is the place to go and the place to call your wrestling home for the history of the wrestling in the Mid-Atlantic region, and everything that is Jim Crockett Promotions. This site is heavily endorsed by Bruce Mitchell of the Pro Wrestling Torch and you will also find articles by Bruce at the Mid-Atlantic Gateway.
Dick Bourne and David Chappell have strong ties to Greensboro and the Greensboro Coliseum through wrestling and they both have lived here or near here at one time or another. Please read more about their site here at our site and feel free to use them as your primary source for Wrestling History here in the Gate City and beyond as you enter the Mid-Atlantic Gateway…….
“I can’t make them believe wrestling is real, but I sure can make them believe I am real.”
– Johnny Valentine
Long time wrestling fans in the Carolinas and Virginia know well that Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling was one of the great regional wrestling territories in the history of the sport.
This web-site is a tribute to the performers and athletes that made Jim Crockett Promotions the magic place that it was in the 1970s and 1980s.
The Mid-Atlantic Gateway site will cover Mid-Atlantic Wrestling from 1974-1986, basically the period of time that the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship was recognized. (For more on our decision to focus on this time frame, click here.) We want the site to be the definitive resource on the World Wide Web for information and reference on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. As the years go by, we will continue to build the Mid-Atlantic Almanac, a collection of comprehensive reference documents on the area that we will build quarter-by-quarter, year-by-year.
Please visit often! If you know others who enjoyed these wonderful days gone by, point them in the direction of our site.
Thanks also to those within the business who have been so supportive of our efforts here, especially Blackjack Mulligan, Bill Eadie, Johnny Weaver, Bob Caudle, Brad Armstrong, Les Thatcher, Brad Anderson, Boris Zhukov, Jimmy Valiant, Rich Landrum, and Mr. #1 George South.
Just want to say thanks for probably the neatest site on the web!
– Jack Mulligan, January 27, 2007
“The Gateway has become not just a website about Mid Atlantic wrestling, it has become a lasting tribute to the wrestlers and announcers who made Mid Atlantic wrestling.”
– Mark Eastridge, March 2008
“My name is Rufus R. Jones, and the “R” stands for guts!”
– Rufus R. “Freight Train” Jones
Special Thanks to Bill Janosik, Mark Eastridge, Eddie Cheslock, Carroll Hall, Steve Hall, Mike Cline, Dave Millican, Akihiro Iwata, Peggy Lathan and Blake Arledge.
Online Editor: James De Medeiros
We want the Mid-Atlantic Gateway to be the definitive resource on the web for information and reference on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling.
The Mid-Atlantic Almanac forms the foundation of this effort. Currently, you will find these sections of information:
David Chappell documents what we all watched on television each week with detail not found in any other resource. The Roster lists everyone on the team, from wrestlers to announcers to referee and everyone else in between.
Dick Bourne documents the origin, evolution, and history of the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title. Also included are histories of the other championships defended in the Mid-Atlantic territory under the auspices of Jim Crockett Promotions.
Dick Bourne documents the history of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling on TV, including a look at all of the programs that crossed the airwaves, the television studios where they took place, and the voices that brought them to life.
The Almanac is work in progress. Material will continually be added in the weeks and months to come.
Thanks, and enjoy!
Dick Bourne & David Chappell
The Mid-Atlantic Gateway