The Morning Run

If you hits the streets on the Morning Run, aren’t you glad you ran in the morning yesterday(Monday). If you waited until Monday afternoon then you were sure out of luck(SOL) with all that rain that came in.

If you out there this morning when the sun broke through the clouds you might have been thinking that this was the most beautiful morning that you have ever seen. This had to be the day that God created the universe or it had to look something like this morning did, when the universe came into being. This was the perfect day…….

It was a beautiful day in somebody’s neighborhood. This makes me wonder why they don’t move the North Carolina Marathon from the Spring to the Fall of the year. The air on mornings like this one, is perfect. March, which is the new Marathon time, has some weird humidity. Dirty air from Winter still lingering and the mix with the March mush is a mess.

The high school and cross country teams are preparing to close out their seasons here in the fall and this is the best time of year for a good run. If the North Carolina Marathon moved to the fall, say in October then they could have a Fall Festival in High Point, the likes of which we saw in the movie Doc Hollywood, with Michael J. Fox. You never know, maybe Fox would be willing to come in and give a speech or talk to the runners like he did when he was Doc Stone, back in his movie.(The setting for the Doc Hollywood movie was South Carolina.)

The Marathon has been in May, April, November, October and other surrounding times/months before and why not bring it back to October and run it in fall air and you could even place it right in the middle of the Furniture Market and we could get even get some runners from outside the country(USA).

Today is the right time to get outside, if you haven’t already, and enjoy the fall air. This had to the perfect time for The Morning Run…….