Greensboro Roller Derby will continue its tradition of offering the Triad a raucous good time to benefit charitable causes at two upcoming bouts:
- Thanksgiving Throwdown – featuring the Appalachian Rollergirls at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex’s Special Events Center, West Wing B on Sunday, November 18- doors open at 4, bout begins at 5pm. This bout will benefit the Alzheimer’s Association.
- Festival of Fights – Greensboro Roller Derby’s Home Team Championship at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex’s Pavilion on Saturday, December 1- doors open at 5, bout begins at 6pm. This bout will benefit the Greensboro Animal Rescue and Foster Program.
These bouts will also be a collection point for “Enough To Go Around,” an ongoing food drive. The food drive began October 8 and will run through Greensboro Roller Derby’s home team championship bout on December 1. Food collected during this drive will mean the difference between hunger and plenty for many Triad residents. The collected goods will be distributed to Greensboro Urban Ministry and the New Arrivals Institute, two local nonprofits whose patrons are experiencing extreme food shortages this season.
Greensboro Roller Derby is a nonprofit sports league with a community service focus, founded in February 2010. The league gives any net profit earned at events back to the community via donations to charities and non-profit organizations, and is in the process of acquiring official 501c3 nonprofit status to better serve the community. In addition to being a force for good in the Triad, Greensboro Roller Derby is also a force in the roller derby community, competing locally and regionally. In July of 2012, Greensboro Roller Derby became an apprentice league in the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA), the world’s premiere roller derby organization.