The coaches merry-go-round stopped three times at the Guilford County high schools last week and now we have new football coaches at Eastern Guilford, Northeast Guilford and at Smith…
Doug Robertson to Eastern Guilford
Donovan Jackson to Northeast Guilford
Antonio Kirkpatrick to Smith…
Robertson had been at Roxboro Person for a year and before that he was the head coach at Reidsville and long-time assistant to Jimmy Teague at Reidsville..
Jackson has assistant coaching experience at NEG, North Forsyth, High Point Andrews and at Rocky Mount…
Kirkpatrick was the offensive coordinator at Dudley under head coach Steven Davis for many years and was with the Panthers as their OC when they won back-to-back NCHSAA 3-AA Titles…Kirkpatrick was also the quarterback for the Page Pirates in his high school days and I believe he was there back in the days when Carlos Doggett was at Page as the Pirates’ top runningback…
*****Should have more on these men coming in next week….Will be in touch with Coach Jackson for sure this week….*****