A tweet went out from Torey Evans using P.J Hairston’s account last Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and Evans was tweeting by way of Hairston’s account that Hairston was supporting VivaLaFresh/Evans and the big party going on Friday night at Lucky 7’s Sports Bar on High Point Road….
This didn’t sit well at all with Hairston and he tweeted back that he was not supporting VivaLaFresh and the party that would be going on that night….
Big trouble for Hairston if somebody else starts tweeting in his name and they are throwing it out there for everyone to come to the Sports Bar that night and celebrate the holiday with drinks and all the other added ammenities…
Evans came back and apologized, but how much damage has already been done?
You read the first tweet that was supposed to be from P.J. and you head on over the Lucky 7’s and say P.J. Hairston sent me…..
Party on, but the NCAA frowns on this…As a college athlete under the jurisdiction of the NCAA, you can not be promoting partys or other events where admission will be charged and money/dollars will be spent….Doing business in this manner would be supporting a business and that is what Evans does….He is a party promoter….
P.J. has been told to stay away from that type of fray and to the day that UNC(Roy Williams) told him he couldn’t play, he has not been going astray, but he has been on his best behavior and he has been watching his P’s, his J’s and his Q’s….
What is a young man to but hire or bring on a twitter babysitter…..Better be on the watch and you even have to keep an eye on your friends(P.J. and Evans went to/attended high school at Dudley together) and you better watch your back at all times….
This time around it may found that Samuel(P.J.) has read the NCAA manuel and this twitter will not getter him into trouble, especially with Evans taking the blame, while trying to make sure P.J. can get back in the game(Tar Heel Basketball)…..
That is my ‘Take on the Tweet’ and it may not be all that neat, so we will repeat the site that got this thing(VivaLaFresh) going tonight….
CLICK HERE as Mark Thompson(News and Record) breaks this down, but his review from the N&R crew may not be what you wanted to see, so you can take our ‘take’ and make it shake until VivaLaFresh decides to bake a new batch of sTweets……
Maybe it is just me, but I think this may be our best post of the day, what do you have to say?…..