Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department’s Youth Football Championships this Saturday at Jaycee Park

Here is the schedule for the Greensboro Parks & Recreation Department Youth Football Championship Games which will be played Saturday, November 8, 2014 at the Jaycee Park fields. Pee Wee Game at 11:00 am on the Stanley Field will be the #1 seed Lewis Center versus #2 seed Warnersville Center. In the Mite game at 12:30 pm on the Bondurant Field will be #1 seed Lewis Center versus #2 seed McLeansville Athletic Association.

During the 2014 football season the Greensboro Parks & Recreation Department had a total of 29 teams participating in the Pee Wee and Mite age groups. A total of 723 children participated this year.

This season the Greensboro Parks & Recreation Department adopted USA Football’s “Heads Up Football” program in our effort to help create a better, safer game for our youth. This program focused on five core components:
1. Coaching Education
2. Concussion Awareness
3. Equipment Fitting
4. Heads Up Tackling
5. Heat & Hydration

All coaches received nearly eight (8) hours of training in addition to passing a national background screening prior to being allowed to coach.

13 thoughts on “Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department’s Youth Football Championships this Saturday at Jaycee Park”

  1. Again, glad to see the Greensboro Parks and Rec Department’s pride and joy, Lewis Center, is headed to two more championships.

  2. Addison Edwards

    Congrats to Lewis! Consistent coaching, fundamentals, and realizing it’s about the kids pays off.

  3. And there it is. I’ve been waiting for some Jealous “they’re better than us so they cheat” comment. If you have proof bring it, if not go back to polishing your Best Effort trophy.

  4. HAHAHAHA @HAHA!…now that’s funny right there.

    Well, for years Lewis has an army of kids to make their teams, while surrounding centers barely have 40 kids to show up for both Peewee and Mite teams. The rezoning of the districts they did several years back favored Lewis quite a bit. Lewis picks the kids they want for their teams and will give the left over scraps to the centers that need warm bodies.

    I also though it was interesting seeing a Parks & Rec football booth at Dicks Sporting Goods this past summer. Don Tilley was there along with some folks from Lewis. They had all the information you want to know about Lewis, but not one mention about any of the other rec centers. Everything is supposed to be districted out…like the schools, but they don’t adhere to that and will recruit\use the system as best they can.

  5. Addison Edwards

    1. Lewis has consistent coaching. Pee Wee coach has been there over 40 years. Many of his assistants have been there for decades. No dad/coaches who move on when their kid does. Mite program has only had 3 coaches since the 70’s

    2. They have many 2nd and 3rd generation players. It’s almost a right of passage for kids in the Lewis district to play football there.

    3. You think maybe, just maybe. with all that experience the coaches have learned what to teach the kids to be successful?

    4. So glad you brought up Dicks because I was actually there that day buying fishing gear and went over to say hello to Don and Phil and had to wait seveeral minutes while they gave a parent info on LEONARD center.

    5. Please do the kids in your area a favor and focus on your program and what you can do to make it more attractive and stop wasting time worrying about why so many kids want to play at Lewis.

  6. I agree with a lot of what you said there. When I’ve coached against Lewis, I have always admired the fact that they are consistent, do the same thing from top to bottom with all ages…and that creates a good tradition. I don’t have a problem with their style, coaching, or the time and effort they put into the kids they have….they do a great job.

    The one thing I don’t agree with is, it is not supposed to be up to the parents or kids where they play. They are supposed to be assigned to a center based on where they live, not where player wants to play. The parents go to the city to request to play for a center under a certain circumstance, which it is rare for the city to deny those requests. Which sets the other center’s teams up to fail.

    As you said, most of the other centers have to rely on dad coaches (which that’s what I was for years), but it is hard to keep the regular volunteers to come back, that are not dads, due to “bare cupboards” they are given to work with.

    I guess I missed the information on the Leonard Center…must have been buried under the Lewis Center helmet that was on display 😉

  7. Don and Phil have worked hard at it for many years and the new team leader at Parks and Rec, Wayne Simmons, will be out there on Saturday so give him a yell during the Championship Games…

    Glenwood, Trotter, Leonard, Lewis, Don and Phil have been on the beat for many years and we need to give these two a good boost of encouragement, they have been good for the City of Greensboro and their efforts have been well intended and well placed over the years….

    Both have battled back from injuries in recent years and they are still in the game giving it all they have and a little more on some days/nights…..

    Maybe the new Griffin Center will go to the forefront of our town and we might see D.H. Griffin and some of his crew go in there and clean up that side of town…

    Who knows, but we do know this, Football Championships on Saturday at Jaycee Park and this will be your true Championship Saturday, sort of like what the NCHSAA has done with their high school football games….

    Bring the teams together on a day when everyone if off from work and give the fans a chance to come out and support their teams whether it be Lewis, McLeansville or Warnersville, get out there to Jaycee Park on Saturday and pull for those kids…..

  8. The coaches at Lewis gave my sons (who all played at Lewis)
    the foundation for their football.. No finer coaches at that level. They always try to come out and see what they kids they coached are doing going forward. I have 1 now at HS and one at middle school as well as one in college..

  9. My children learn so many life lessons from Coach Stanley, Coach Bateman and the Late Coach Edwards. One of the most important lessons was; winning isn’t easy. It takes dedication, sacrifice, team work and hard work. If you want to compete with The Lewis Family, stop the chatter and support your community by volunteering.

    Remember, hard work pays off, winning comes to those who chose to compete and talk is talk. Where do you stand in the scheme of life.

  10. I know for a fact a prominent starter on SE Guilford played for Lewis Center form 9 to 12 years old.

    Kid lives in same house now as he did then. Not going to name names. I have nothing against Lewis, always thought they were well coached. But for sure they played kids out of district. This kid had to drive by or through Brown, Trotter, McLeansville, Warnersville or Northeast district just to get to practice or games.

    Again nothing against Lewis Center but C’mon man don’t spout it didn’t happen.

    There is a reason Ragsdale, Sumner, R&R, Southeast, Oak Ridge, Colfax, Gibsonville and Stokesdale organizations all play elsewhere.

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