from the Sports Zeal with the Fan Zeal……
MLB Changes Home Run Derby Rules
What Happened
After years of watching hitters ignore more pitches than a Silicon Valley VC, and putting fans to sleep while pretending the outcome contained any drama, MLB has finally made a substantial change to All-Star weekend.
Old system: Divided by league, rules made no sense, boring with way too many commercials.
New system: Eight player bracket and timed rounds forcing players to actually swing instead of waiting for that perfect pitch! Plus, batters earn extra time for hitting long bombs. Knock two over 420 feet? That’s an additional 60 seconds. Knock a dinger 475+ feet, you get an extra half-minute.
Zeal Take
The bad: MLB’s best HR hitter, Giancarlo Stanton is injured and won’t take part.
The good: Now we know exactly how much time we have to watch our favorite batter before changing the channel back to Orange is the New Black.