*****We found a Winner:Greensboro Reds 13, Lex-Ashe Braves 2******
+++++We found another Winner:Post 53 Greensboro Red Wings 3, Davidson County 2+++++
Rome Braves 6, Greensboro Grasshoppers 2
^^^^^Kernersville Bulldogs 14, Mooresville Spinners 0^^^^^
WP:Max Fried(4-4)
LPCody Poteet(2-5)…..
Hoppers(31-30)/Braves(25-35)….On the season, Hoppers (15-15) at home in NewBridge Bank Park and (16-15) on the road at the other SALLY League Parks…
Braves Line-6-7-1/Hoppers Line-2-5-2
HR:(GSO) Aaron Blanton #2 of the season for Blanton was a leadoff HR in the bottom of the 8th Inning…
HR:(ROME) Bradley Keller his third of the season…
Forest City Owls 5, HiToms 2
I found a winner for ya. Greensboro Red Wings beat Davidson County last night 3-2 over in Lexington.
Thanks for sending that info on the Red Wings….We hope to get a full report later on that game from our associate Danny Robinson, who follows the Red Wings…