Mid-State Athletic Conference All-Conference Baseball Team with Carter Williams(NEG) Player of the Year/Andrew Robinson(EG) Pitcher of the Year

Mid-State 3A Athletic Conference

All-Conference Team
Player School
Tyler Bryant- Eastern Alamance
Briston Carver- Eastern Alamance
Jake Christman- Western Alamance
Cameron Cotter- Northern Guilford
Austin Cotton- Morehead
Scott DeFord- Western Alamance
Jordan Hodge- Western Alamance
Travis Hunt- Eastern Guilford
Logan Jarosz- Eastern Alamance
J T Jarrett- Northern Guilford
Caleb Kennedy- Eastern Guilford
Bryce Mericka- Northeast Guilford
John Clark Ouzts- Northern Guilford
Josh Pike- Northern Guilford
Andrew Robinson- Eastern Guilford
Luke Robinson- Eastern Guilford
Gavin Taylor- Rockingham Co.
Daniel Thigpen- Walter Williams
Dylan Tuttle- McMichael
Carter Williams- Northeast Guilford
Angel Zarate- Rockingham Co.
Jehu Zarate- Rockingham Co.

The Tommy Grayson Baseball Player of the Year
Carter Williams Northeast Guilford High School

The Tommy Grayson Baseball Pitcher of the Year
Andrew Robinson Eastern Guilford High School

Baseball Coach of the Year
George Barber Rockingham Co. High School

Sportsmanship Award
Walter Williams High School

Baseball Results 2015

Pos	School			        Conf Rec	Non-Conf	Tourn Rec	Seed
					W	L	W	L	W	L
1	Rockingham Co			12	4	4	3	2	0	1
2	Northern Guilford		11	5	5	2	1	0	2
2	Eastern Guilford		11	5	4	2	0	1	3
4	Western Alamance	        10	6	2	6	0	1	4
4	Eastern Alamance		10	6	7	1	1	1	5
6	Northeast Guilford	        8	8	8	0	1	0	6
7	Morehead			4	12	2	3	0	1	7
8	McMichael			3	13	6	1	0	1	8
8	Walter Williams			3	13	4	4	0	0	9

Courtesy of Jim Wilson with the Mid-State 3-A Conference

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