The BIG ONE is tonight for the Greensboro NABA at Western Guilford High School:
GNABA ALL-STAR Game…7:20 PM…Western Guilford High School
South Atlantic League:
Greensboro Grasshoppers at Kannapolis 7:05…Hoppers now just one game up on Kannapolis in the SAL North…
Coastal Plain League:
Asheboro Copperheads at HPT HiToms 7pm at Finch Field in Thomasville
Area III American Legion Finals/Championship
Saturday, July 16 – Monday, July 18
(2 games out of 3)
#1 High Point (22-4) vs. #2 Rowan County (27-9) Game One should be at higher seeded team and that would put Game One at Finch Field in Thomasville
American Legion Baseball Area III Championship Times
High Point/Thomasville, N.C. – The Area III championship times have been set in the best of three series between Rowan Post 3 and High Point Post 87.
The Post 87 HiToms host Rowan at Finch Field in Thomasville for game one on Saturday evening, July 16 at 6 p.m. while Rowan hosts game two the next day at 7 p.m. at Newman Park. The third and deciding game if necessary will be played at Finch Field on Monday night at 7 p.m.
Saturday, July 16 at Finch Field: 6 p.m.
Sunday, July 17 at Newman Park: 7 p.m.
Monday, July 18 at Finch Field: 7 p.m.
Appalachian League:
Johnson City at Burlington Royals 7pm
Carolina League:
Potomac Nationals at Winston-Salem Dash 7pm at BB&T Field
Greensboro Colt Baseball Tournament continues on Monday at Stoner-White Stadium and at Page with:
Eastern Alamance vs. Grimsley, Williams vs. Ragsdale, Dudley vs. Wheatmore and Northern Guilford-Northeast Guilford….
*****More on the 2016 Greensboro National Adult Baseball Association All-Star Game tonight at Western Guilford High School:*****
Game is 7:20pm @WGHS
7 Innings/No Run Rule and 2hr 30min time limit
Team Johnny Bench (Reds,Dodgers,Braves)
Manger Enad Haddad-Reds
Klinton Davis-P Reds
Chris Kernen-P Reds
Tyler Boone-P Reds
Jesus Santiago-C Reds
Dillon Cox-1B Reds
Daniel Kennedy-OF/IF Reds
Andre Smith-3B Reds
Robby Hoopes-2B Reds
Jacob Vernon-C/DH/IF Reds
Benard Isreal-2B Dodgers
Luke Guthrie-1B Dodgers
Casey Gentry-SS Dodgers
Jody Donato-3B Dodgers
Nick Corey-OF Dodgers
Warren Hill-OF Braves
Desmond Hargrove-C
Parker Strader-P/IF
Daniel Beal-3B/P
Tyler Priddy-SS
Team Andrew McCutchen( Pirates,Yankees,Orioles)
Manager Bill Ahrens-Pirates
Nin Marrero IF/P Pirates
Nino Marrero OF/P Pirates
Brandon Ahrens C/P Pirates
Keith Anderson 2B Pirates
Darrly Rice OF/P Pirates
Ryan Stoneman-IF Pirates
Hunter Wolfington-P Pirates
Dalton Ashworth-OF/IF Pirates
Sonny Marroquin-IF/P Yankees
Ryan Dickens-OF Yankees
DJ Hayes-SS Yankees
Black Stewart-P Yankees
Daniel Wilson-OF Yankees
Casey Addison-1B Yankees
Christian Griffin-IF Orioles
Will Hicks-P/IF Orioles
Corey Harmon IF/OF Orioles
Nick Chadmon-OFOrioles
Drew Korte-OF/P Orioles