Enad Haddad has been named the recruiting Coordinator and assistant baseball coach at Winston-Salem State University….Enad joins the Rams after serving as the head coach of the Greensboro Reds in the Greensboro Adult Baseball Association and Enad was the league commissioner for the Greensboro NABA….Haddad also served as the head coach of the Western Guilford Hornets JV Baseball team in 2016 and worked to build community relations between the Hornets’ overall baseball program and the Guilford College-area community….
Former Greensboro Red Travis Moore was an All-American baseball for the WSSU Rams in 2013 and he was the first All-American from the Rams program since baseball was restored to WSSU Athletics…..
At least 12 former WSSU Rams have played for the Greensboro Reds over the years and around 25 from Winston-Salem State have played with other teams from the Greensboro NABA….Former Ram Wes Hasslebeck is a former Oriole from the NABA and is also a recent draftee by the MLB…
Enad Haddad, gone from Western Guilford and now looking take up and at the same time lay down roots with the WSSU Rams, who play their homes games and also practice at BB&T Ballpark, the home of the WS Dash……