The Central Piedmont Wildlife Club is closing in on assuming management of Lake Hunt in Reidsville.
The CPWC/Central Piedmont Wildlife Club, which used to lease Lake Jeanette, in Greensboro, is now looking to work out a lease with the City of Reidsville, so they can have Lake Hunt in Reidsville, for use by their wildlife club members…
J.D. Blake, the Central Piedmont Wildlife Club president said it was the best move for his CPWC members and that they had to end their deal with Greensboro and the Lake Jeanette Homeowners Association in 2015 due to money matters and club-use provisions, on Lake Jeanette….
J.D. Blake(CPWC president)
“Lake Jeanette Homeowners Association decided that Lake Jeanette would turn into more of a pleasure-boating/tennis club/aquatic center-type thing, and they wanted us to share in the cost of the entire thing,” Blake said. “They went up astronomically on our lease, and no matter how much I wanted to do it, my board voted it down, so we had to let it go.”
from Justyn Melrose with the News and Record’s Rockingham County division/bureau….
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