You have probably heard the uproar already, but ESPN on Tuesday night released this statement on their decision to drop Robert Lee, as their lead broadcaster set to announce the University of Virginia vs. William and Mary college football game on September 2…
ESPN statement:
“We collectively made the decision with Robert(Lee) to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name,” ESPN said in a Tuesday evening statement. “In that moment it felt right to all parties. It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play-by-play for a football game has become an issue.”
But you wonder what is next……
Will everything in the state of Virginia, or at least within football or baseball throwing distance of Charlottesville, that has the name Lee associated with it(Robert E. Lee, Robert Lee, Bob Lee, Bob Ely), be forced to drop the name Lee in aftermath of what happened a few weekends back at the home base of the University of Virginia(Charlottesville)….
Do they need to change the name of Washington and Lee University and now just call the school, Washington University of Virginia?????
Anything with Robert E. Lee’s name on it, or tied to it, might need to be taken to the Civil War Cemetery in Appomattox, Virginia, and be buried there, or placed on the grounds there, until further notice……
Very sensitive subject and you never know, which way these topics might go or flow….We used to have a Lee Street here in Greensboro and it might be a good idea they made the change(now Gate City Blvd.) before all of unrest came about…..
+++++ Maybe a little bit far-fetched, but what about ESPN’s Bob Ley, pronounced Bob Lee and his full name is Robert A. Ley(Lee)…..Robert E. Lee and you also have Robert A. Ley(Lee)….We might be digging in too deep here, but when you start thinking, you might start saying, “What was I thinking and hopefully not, “What was I drinking?????”…….+++++