from The Cube Sports and this is their video shot/clip of the week and the kid in the basketball shooting challenge hits the layup, the three-pointer and then he nails the shot, right at the buzzer, from just inside half-court and the kid wins the contest…
You won’t believe the last shot, right at the buzzer and if you look close, you might think the basketball shooting contest is going on inside the Northwest Guilford High School gym, or least their old gym over at NWG, you have the red and white color scheme for the gym, you have the lower tier of the gym and the upper seating tier and the guy/gentleman running contest, even looks like NWG’s AD John Hughes…I did a double-take and you will too and you will see the little kid comes through and does ‘the do’ for two, or three if you look/see where the shoot is coming in from, half-court…
Time now to stop all the talking and let you do some gawking, when you CLICK HERE for the ‘Shot of the Week’, from The Cube Sports…….
Again, CLICK HERE and you are there, in that gym, that looks a lot like the old gym at Northwest Guilford High School….