Powerade State Games High School Softball Coaches Announced
Registration is open and tryouts have begun
DURHAM, North Carolina–The Powerade State Games High School Softball Showcase will take place June 18th-19th at UNC Charlotte and Hornets’ Nest Park. The High School Softball Showcase pits the best 20 underclassmen players from six North Carolina regions against each other to battle it out in front of college scouts for the gold, silver and bronze medals.
The coaches for each regional team have been selected and are listed below with the head coach listed first and their high school in parentheses:
Region 1 – Ricky Stallings (Perquimans), J.P. Pippins (Edenton Holmes), Shay Campbell (Rosewood)
Region 2 – Olivia Scott (Whiteville), Leigh Smith (Midway), Kenny Monroe (New Bern)
Region 3 – Bryan Cromer (Panther Creek), Mark Whitman (Triton)
Region 4 – Jeff Sprenger (Ardrey Kell), Amanda Jardina (Independence), Taylor Cheek (Butler)
**********Region 5 – Danny Way (Eastern Alamance), Mike Williams (Graham), Tina Way (Eastern Alamance)**********
Region 6 – Casey Justice (South Caldwell)
Only high school underclassmen (2020-2022 graduates) are eligible to participate. To register, view regional maps, view tryout dates & locations, or for other general information on the High School Softball Showcase, please visit www.poweradestategames.org.
The Powerade State Games of North Carolina is gearing up for an exciting year of competition in the Charlotte region. The 33rd annual Powerade State Games begin on June 1st and conclude on June 23rd, hosting competitions in Charlotte, Concord, Cornelius, Huntersville, Indian Trail, Mooresville, and Pineville. Registration is now open for all sports. Athletes can visit www.poweradestategames.org to register for each event.
The Powerade State Games Opening Ceremonies will be held on June 21st at Carowinds. Discounted tickets to the theme park will be available for those participating in the Powerade State Games. The festival will feature free gifts for all athletes including an official Powerade State Games drawstring bag, Powerade State Games towel, Powerade Water Bottle and $10 to any Dick’s Sporting Goods store. Visit www.poweradestategames.org for more information.
The 2019 Powerade State Games of North Carolina corporate partners include: Powerade, Visit NC, Harris Teeter, BB&T, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC, Capitol Broadcasting Company, Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority, Mooresville Convention & Visitors Bureau, Visit Cabarrus, Visit Lake Norman, and Sheetz. It is not too late to be part of this year’s Powerade State Games; to become a sponsor contact North Carolina Amateur Sports at 919-361-1133 ext. 233.
North Carolina Amateur Sports (NCAS) is the 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization that annually hosts the Powerade State Games of North Carolina and Cycle North Carolina. NCAS is dedicated to the promotion of health, physical fitness and the Olympic Movement in North Carolina. For more information on NCAS and its events, please visit www.ncsports.org.