The High School Football Picks Contest will begin this week, and it will be a Texas Roadhouse HS Pigskin Hold ‘Em…..
If you hold ’em the correct picks each week, and if you win the High School Picks Contest, you will receive a $15.00 gift card, good at the Texas Roadhouse on Battleground Avenue, in Greensboro….
The contest will begin later on this week and we will focus on the picks for the high school football games this week, in Guilford County….Again, if you get the most picks correct each week, you will win the $15.00 gift card from the Texas Roadhouse on Battleground Avenue, in Greensboro, N.C.
We will run this Texas Roadhouse HS Pigskin Hold ‘Em Contest each week, during the high school football season and at the end of the year, we will take all of the Weekly Winners and put the names in a hat, and draw out one name for the yearly/season-long Winner and that luck winner, will receive a Gift Card good for $120.00 at the Texas Roadhouse, on Battleground Avenue, in Greensboro….
Should make for a good contest and now just about time to play some Texas Roadhouse HS Pigskin Hold ‘Em, so get ready and prepare to WIN…..Keep an eye on the site, we should be bringing up the picks for each week, on the Tuesday, before each week of Friday Night Football……..