Southeast Falcons Elite and Tar Heels Elite have come together to do things a little different for our student athletes in the Triad!
We are an ACADEMICS FIRST PROGRAM!!! We are the feeder/developmental program for James B Dudley High School and Southeast Guilford High School.
All home events will take place at Southeast High School and/or Dudley High School! We offer Tackle Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cheer,Track, Tennis, Golf and Chess. The Triad has never seen a youth program of this nature and scope before.
If you have an athlete interested in any of these programs please contact us. We are looking for volunteers to coach and mentor our student-athletes Ages 5-14. For further info please contact Derrick Hicks @ 336-681-1653 or OJ Caldwell @ 336-324-6538.
Please like our Facebook page: Tar Heels Elite
#TheTakeover #TheMerge #TheBarIsTooLowBoss #RaiseTheBar #TarHeelsElite #SoutheastFalconsElite #Football #Basketball #Cheer #Baseball #Track #Tennis #Golf #Chess #Mentor #AcademicsFirst #UYFL