Eastern Guilford at Northwest Guilford Boys at 6/Girls at 7:30
Dudley at Page…Girls at 6/Boys at 7:30….Dudley boys are (4-0) and Page(5-0)….
Western Guilford at Ragsdale…Girls at 6/Boys at 7:30
Glenn at Grimsley…Girls at 6/Boys at 7:30…Grimsley at Southeast on Thursday
High Point Andrews OFF
High Point Central OFF
Northern Guilford OFF
Northeast Guilford OFF…..Northeast Guilford girls defeated Rockingham County 58-38 last night and that does not happen all that often…Good job by the Guilford County Rams club…
Southeast Guilford OFF
Smith OFF
Southwest Guilford OFF
Southern Guilford OFF
Greensboro Day School OFF
Wesleyan Christian Academy OFF…Last night, Providence Day over WES boys, 57-53…Providence over WES girls, 64-18….
Vandalia Christian School OFF
High Point Christian Academy OFF….Last night HPCA over Calvary Christian, 69-63…
Westchester Country Day OFF
Caldwell Academy OFF…Caldwell Academy at Western Guilford, on Thursday….