The Greatest WEAPON a Basketball Coach Can Possess…SHOTS FIRED!!!

from the Pro Shot Shooting System Network….
One of the key things that they are talking about below, and I see a lot of people talking basketball on Twitter and at other sites, but for the years that I have been out there shooting my basketballs, the one thing that these people are saying that gets my attention, and causes me to nod my head and say YES, that point hits home, and you have to remember, I have been out there now shooting the basketball for 40-plus years, and the points that we are trying to get across is like the guys are saying here…..

Take the Shots….They are calling for Smooth, Quick and Efficient shots…And the biggest takeaway I have from that advice is this, and it can be the key to your game surviving for many, many, years….Quick shots, get rid of the ball quickly…As soon as that ball hits your hands be ready to shoot it…Going to make it tough to block your shot and it is going to get you into a rhythm…And that rhythm, will be hard to break, when you get it right….Remember, Don’t hold the ball, be ready to shoot it.

Let’s see what all the Pro Shot System folks are telling us today……



I see it every day. Coaches are looking for X’s and O’s, Drills, and even motivational quotes to give their players, teams and programs. What they sometimes don’t see is that their greatest weapons are there. Right in front of them. Just waiting to be unleashed…


Player’s who have the potential for GREATNESS. Players who desire to be successful but just need their coach to show them how.

Teach them how to be SHOOTERS!!!

**********SMOOTH, QUICK, EFFICIENT SHOOTERS!!!**********

You have to understand that the X’s and O’s and drills and motivational speeches don’t mean ANYTHING if your players can’t shoot the ball. Just ask any coach who has gone through a season with a team of players that can’t shoot or score. The greatest defense in the world isn’t going to help them because defense doesn’t score points and last time I checked, the winning team always has more of those at the end of the game…

Your players need to know how to shoot efficiently and effectively. All you have to do is teach them or find someone who can teach them for you. Once your players are taught to use their body correctly the improvement comes quickly! Just ask the players who take our system seriously and they’ll tell you that they see results in a matter of minutes…

Pro Shot has been a part of too many championship seasons and too many record breaking performances to know anything but success…

The only thing standing between today’s coaches and their success is that often they are just looking at the wrong solutions.

“It’s not about the X’s and O’s, it’s about the Jimmy’s and Joe’s!!!”