After 31 Years, Scott Hoffman says “Farewell to News and Record Photography”:Completing a Great Career, “The Man” is moving on!!!

H. Scott Hoffman, and the H. could probably stand for handy and helpful, because he was both…You would see him on the sidelines at high school football games, the East-West All-Stars football, basketball and soccer games, at local professional, high school and amateur baseball games, in fact at all kinds of sporting events, including the big college events; I’m telling you, he/Scott was there….

H. Scott Hoffman…Leave it to Scott to get the best shot…And it wasn’t just sports, it was all sorts of other action too…From news, to special events, and again all of the sporting events, Scott Hoffman was there with his News and Record camera…

And he would get there early for these events and make sure he had an overview of the best angles for the ball games, and to also make sure he found himself a roster, that way he would have an idea of the players’ names that he was photographing…

H. Scott Hoffman was on the scene and for 31 years he was out there getting it done for the News and Record, and for that he deserves some recognition today, and not just from his former employer, the News and Record, but from the entire Greensboro Community, and here it is…

“Scott Hoffman, A Job Well Done”….

And if you don’t believe what I’m feeding you, just CLICK ON HERE, and you will see quite the gallery of some of his best photos, while he was working his “camera magic” for the News and Record…His photo of Keith Gatlin, back when Keith was playing for the Maryland Terrapins, is Priceless….Keith is so skinny back then, he almost looks like Bones McKinney…

1 thought on “After 31 Years, Scott Hoffman says “Farewell to News and Record Photography”:Completing a Great Career, “The Man” is moving on!!!”

  1. Two other good ones from the N&R photography staff from the past, include Joseph Rodriguez and Jerry Woolford…

    Both Joe and Jerry hit the sports scene hard with their cameras, just like H. Scott Hoffman did…

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