Bryce Harris, 6’5/Forward and with the Class of 2021, from Greensboro Day School, has received a college basketball offer from the Wake Forest University Demon Deacons, and their new head coach Steve Forbes….
from Bryce Harris on Twitter:
Bryce Harris
Blessed to receive an offer from WAKE FOREST!! And on my Birthday…..
Bryce Harris at the News and Record HSXtra All-Area Private School Boys Basketball Team for 2019-2020, and coming in from Joe Sirera’s notes at the N&R:
FIRST TEAM: Bryce Harris, Greensboro Day School
• The 6-foot-5 junior has the ability to impact the game inside or outside and often created mismatches for the Bengals.
• Harris avearged 13 points and seven rebounds for a Greensboro Day team that reached the NCISAA Class 4-A semifinals and finished 31-5.
• Shared PTAC’s player of the year award with Player of the Year and teammate Cam Hayes.
• NCISAA Class 4-A all-state.
• All-tournament at the HAECO Invitational, Chick-fil-A Classic and Bass Pro Tournament of Champions.