Greensboro Batting Center open today on West Gate City Blvd. and the hours of operations are:Monday-Friday Noon to 8pm, Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday, 1-6pm….
Here is the word from Alan Ashkinazy:
Please follow these rules when visiting The Greensboro Batting Center.
The Greensboro Batting Center will only allow 15 people at a time hitting in the token cages. To let more hitters in, please limit how many people enter that are not hitters.
We recommend one guardian per hitter. If the line at front counter is more than 4 people deep, please wait outside until line goes down.
When on line at front counter, there will be marks on the ground to stand on to remain 6 ft. apart. If you have to wait to get to token cages, remain outside at front door and the front counter worker will call you in.
Hopefully the wait is not long. Please follow all social distancing throughout the token area. Hitters stand on designated spots when on line to hit and sit in areas on benches and bleachers that aren’t marked with red tape.
Greensboro Batting Center:
3917 West Gate City Blvd.
(336) 855-6637