Here are the NCHSAA Phase Two Reopening Guidelines For High School Athletics….Guilford County set to reopen on Monday August 3…..
Some of the highlights of the new Phase Two guidelines are:
Sharing of equipment is permissible within small groups/pods.
Wearing protective equipment remains prohibited.
Equipment must be disinfected frequently, and it REQUIRES disinfecting prior to use by another pod.
LAT’s/1st Responders are not REQUIRED; however, as noted in the Points of Emphasis, they should always be included when possible.
Coaches of schools that have not participated in Phase One are strongly encouraged to ensure a gradual return to activities, considering the condition of students who may have been physically inactive this summer. Additionally, it is important to “teach” the daily monitoring protocol and ways that workouts will incorporate the “3 W’s” of mitigating COVID-19.
**********Due to the extreme heat and humidity we are experiencing, you MUST follow the requirements as listed in the NCHSAA Handbook, page 39, as well as observing your local policies.***********
The NCHSAA Staff has worked with the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) on recommendations for member schools regarding summer activities that are in alignment with DHHS directives. The Phase Two guidance is intended to help you continue or begin to navigate a gradual reopening of high school sports, while helping mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The NCHSAA Board of Directors understands that implementation decisions schools make this summer regarding sports and other co-curricular activities will potentially impact the upcoming school year. Thus, it is important that you adhere to this current guidance.
Schools and coaches are reminded that, per NCHSAA policy, participation in summer sports/activities cannot be required.
The Staff, Board of Directors and SMAC remain committed to administering sports/activities this Fall, provided it can be done safely and in accordance with guidance from our state educational and medical partners. Decisions relative to the September 1 start date, will be made later in August.