Another birthday this week, for David “Ogi” Overman, the former editor of the Sports Page, ESP Magazine, the Greater Greensboro Observer, and the Jamestown News….
Happy Birthday to Ogi Overman, and hopefully he will have many more…Just guessing, but I would put Ogi’s age right at around 72 years old…Here’s hoping this week is a good Birthday Week for him…His actual birthday was on Wednesday October 7….
Here is the announcement of Ogi’s birthday, from his Facebook Page….CLICK HERE….
Good job Ogi, for making it this far, down the road of life….
These days Ogi Overman can be seen on the Triad Today TV show, with host Jim Longworth…The show runs on Saturday mornings at 7:30am on TV 45, and then it runs on Sunday mornings at 11am, on TV 48…Ogi is part of the ‘Knights of the Roundtable’, that runs during the last five minutes of the show…