The news coming in by way of Facebook and Twitter…..
Busta Brown!!! Yep, he’s BAAACCCKKK on the radio!! Tomorrow morning at 6:00AM on WZOO…The Zoo!! Woo hoo!
Check out his new morning show on 99.9FM, 700AM, streaming on, on the TuneIn app, or just ask your Smart speaker for “WZOO Radio”!! We are everywhere!!
Busta Brown in the Morning! Every weekday morning from 6-10AM on WZOO…The Zoo!!
**********And Busta Brown soon to be on 106.1 FM in Greensboro….You can already pick up the Busta Brown radio show on WZOO, as it comes in loud and clear while you are driving around with your car radio on, 700 AM…
Like the headline above says/reads, “Busta Brown is Back Baby”…..**********