Looking for the Light, and I saw the light on The Morning Run, this morning…The sunlight was bright as I hit the street and we had some wind and some good temps to go along with that strong sunlight…
Looking for the Light, and I saw the light, highlight our Morning Run feature for this Friday morning….
Here’s John Denver to get us up and running with Sunshine On My Shoulders….Click On Below…
How about some more light, say Moonlight, and Starbuck says “Moonlight Feels Right”…CLICK ON BELOW for the video…
More Moonlight, with King Harvest and Dancing in the Moonlight….CLICK ON NOW…
Next up we have Debby Boone, with the original, “You Light Up My Life”….Time to Click On Below for the Debby Boone video show…
From the Bill Gaither videos, we have Jesse Dixon, with his version of “I Saw The Light”…A good one and you need to CLICK ON BELOW…
Here’s you a bonus this week with Manfred Mann’s Earth Band and what they have for us is called, “Blinded By The Light”…..Like a Runner in the night….CLICK IT for the video ticket…
Top Ten Lights for this week…..
1)Stop Light
2)Street Light
3)Blue Light
7)Jim Light
8)Night Light
9)Candle Light
10)Lightning in a Bottle and not Bud Light and Miller Light, we will leave them be….
That’s it for this week and keep running toward the Light, and we will see you back in here again next week…Keep on enjoying, The Morning Run…