The Bill White Scholarship Fund was established in 1980 following Bill’s death from cancer. Bill was responsible for starting Colt Baseball (15 & 16 year-olds) locally in 1965. This fund awards scholarships to former Colt Leaguers who are entering a college or university. The criteria include academic excellence, exemplary citizenship, and financial need. Bobby Dawson was the first recipient in 1981, and since then (including 2021) 291 scholarships have been awarded totaling over $ 265,000. The amounts range from $500 to $2,500.
The 2021 recipients of the Bill White Scholarships are as follows:
Student High School College/University Chadwick Carpenter Ragsdale NC State Nolan Cathers Burlington Williams UNC-Chapel Hill Clayton Edmondson Southern Guilford GTCC Brandon Fury Western Guilford Emory and Henry Luke Jenkins Grimsley UNC-G Anthony Moore Northeast Guilford UNC-G Clark Roberts McMichael NC State Win Scott Ragsdale NC State Maddux Smith Southern Alamance Davidson Blake Solomon Bartlett Yancey Pitt Community College Grayson Tudor Rockingham County Guilford College Cooper White Northeast Guilford Appalachian State Eli Willen Grimsley Lenoir-Rhyne
These scholarships will be awarded between the opening night games of the Colt East Zone Tournament on Wednesday evening, July 21, at Stoner-White Stadium. Bill White’s granddaughter, Courtney Lowrance, and Bobby Dawson will present the checks and plaques respectively.
Courtesy of Ned McMillan, with Greensboro Colt Baseball
Thank you for publicizing these remarkable young men.