Duke-UNC-Chapel Hill playing in the Final Four is nice, but the biggest game of any type for our fine state of North Carolina???
Not at all…Not tonight, not any night….
Most of you were not even born yet, so you can’t really appreciate this piece of basketball history…..
The N.C. State Wolfpack played for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship back in 1974, and they were playing in our state….The game was played right here in North Carolina, and better yet, it was played right here in the Greensboro Coliseum….
Going to New Orleans….That would be better than having the game played right here in your own backyard??? As Bart Simpson might conclude, NO WAY MAN!!!!!
Can you imagine how BIG that would be if it were going off today/tonight??? The game being played right here in Greensboro, and all of the Final Four action going on at the Greensboro Coliseum, on a site that used to be on West Lee Street….
That was, and would be huge…..Much better setting for us, if the game was being played here in Greensboro, instead of New Orleans….And it was…So that tops New Orleans in a heartbeat…
But you might be with me on that point, bigger and better in 1974, with the game being played in the old barn on West Lee Street…
We’ll the team from our state won it all back in ’74, and that was the N.C. State Wolfpack, who topped UCLA and the great Bill Walton, in the semifinals on Saturday afternoon at the Greensboro Coliseum, and then State made it all great, when the Pack defeated Marquette for the Title on Monday night…
The Monday night game was sort of anti-climatic for N.C. State, because the hype of the Saturday afternoon win/victory over UCLA was HUGE…The Wolfpack defeating the Bruins in that semifinal game was like watching the Berlin Wall come tumbling down…UCLA had won seven straight NCAA Titles coming into Greensboro, and the N.C. State Wolfpack took them out…
You look at the four teams at this year’s Final Four, and none of the teams; Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, Kansas, or Villanova could hold anything close to a candle, to either N.C. State, or UCLA….
N.C. State and UCLA of 1974 were college basketball royalty…The Duke and North Carolina teams are not….Good young men, and very good coaches, but when you have David Thompson, Bill Walton, Tommy Burleson, Monte Towe, Tim Stoddard, Mo Rivers, Phil Spence and the like from State and UCLA, you are talking about real college basketball history….
David Thompson and Tommy Burleson were from right here in North Carolina, and here they were playing for, and winning the National Championship right here in the Greensboro Coliseum…
Wendell Moore Jr. for Duke, and Leakey Black for North Carolina, are from the state of North Carolina, but you want to stand them beside David Thompson and compare them to him???? Bart Simpson again, with the clutch line….NO WAY MAN!!!!!
David Thompson is the greatest college basketball player to ever come out of this state of North Carolina….Better than Michael Jordan even, although Michael did much better than David in the pros, but that is another story for another time…
We have a lock….N.C. State won the title at the Greensboro Coliseum back in 1974, and we don’t have a guaranteed winner coming from Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill, going into Monday night’s championship finale…
Tonight’s/Saturday night’s game with UNC vs. Duke will be a fun time for all of their fans, and it should be a fun time for all fans of college basketball, but can you imagine if it was N.C. State playing UCLA in Final Four semifinal action today, at the Greensboro Coliseum???
That would be a true college basketball NCAA Tournament Showcase…Better teams by far, N.C. State and UCLA of 1974, and a much better locale for Championship Basketball, the Greensboro Coliseum…
Enjoy tonight’s Battle of the Blues, but I would take N.C. State-UCLA from back in ’74, any day of the week over Duke-UNC….
N.C. State-Maryland for the ACC Tournament Title in ’74 goes for the biggest ACC matchup in league history….Put that in your pipe and smoke it too…
Can we just convince these college basketball fans of today how big, and how much better the teams and players were back in 1974???
Here comes Bart Simpson again, and what’s he saying this time…..
**********This article written by a Basketball Man who knows(and not by some basketball fan), and if you don’t agree or support what I am feeding you, just ask David Thompson or Bart Simpson, and they will tell you, I know what I am talking about….**********
Final:Kansas 81, Villanova 65
Other Semifinal Final:North Carolina 81, Duke 77