You read that right….The Plaque is Coming Back…..Finally “The Plaque is Coming Back”, to Guilford County….
Yes, on next Tuesday night at 6:30pm, The Plaque that went missing will be returning….
Well, the original 1969 NCHSAA 3-A Baseball State Championship Plaque has been missing for many years, from the shelves at Southeast Guilford High School, in Guilford County, but the replacement plaque will be presented to former players from that SEG Falcons State Title team, and their coach, the 90 year-old Bill Slayton, will also be there to receive the replacement plaque…And once the plaque is presented, it will be stored in a safe-keeping place for a plaque, at Southeast Guilford HS…
The plaque went missing, and now “The Plaque is Coming Back”…..
The Championship Plaque disappeared, but now the replacement plaque is going to help that 1969 NCHSAA Baseball Championship team, Rise Again….
We are not certain when “The Plaque” went missing, or who ended up with it, but we do know for certain, “The Plaque is Coming Back” to Southeast Guilford High School this coming Tuesday night, at 6:30pm….
Tell your friends and neighbors, and let your baseball people know, that the place to be is SEG…..Southeast Guilford High School on Tuesday night at 6:30pm….Right there at the Southeast Guilford High School Kevin Callahan Baseball Field, is where the ceremony will be held….
We will see you there on Tuesday night at 6:30pm, and Coach Bill Slayton will there, just two months away from his 91st birthday, his wife Darcy will be there, we know that Don Causey, one of Coach Slayton’s players from that 1969 Championship Team will be there, and we hear that maybe five or six other players, from that Title Team, will be on hand…
This is big and good news, and we wanted to let you know so you can make it the show…..“The Plaque is Coming Back”, and we hope it is you that we will see, at SEG…
++++++++++Southeast Guilford(10-11/5-7) vs. Page(3-13/2-10) at 7pm on Tuesday evening, at the Kevin Callahan Baseball Field.++++++++++